A Gaiapunk Manifesto

Joshua Anderson

November 28th, 2023


Gaiapunk is an aesthetic of human flourishing for a world that is adrift. In perilous times, new, positive visions of the future are needed. Gaiapunk is unapologetically pro-human, egalitarian, and optimistic.

We hold these things to be worth striving for:

That we want to live in a society where all humans are deemed worthy of food, shelter, and dignity. That it is good for humans to be able to pursue cosmopolitan values to the extent that they do not interfere with the rights of others, and without coercing others into their will. That given that humans may be the sole intelligent species in the cosmos, that we bear the light of consciousness to as much of the galaxy as possible - without trampling on native life forms that we may find on other worlds, or our own. That the path for a successful human species lies through optimistic embrace of technology that is designed to empower us. That despite the promise of technology, misused technology is an existential threat to our happiness and even existence. That no human can thrive alone. A thriving individual requires a thriving community. That nature is neither to be exploited nor frozen in time for preservation, but to be intelligently sculpted into something more beautiful than we have today.

We long to create a galaxy where

Humans enhance our bodies and minds beyond the current limits of our species. Death and disease are memories. We treat our fellow humans and other conscious life around us with empathy, not exploitation. We spread throughout the stars.


These are merely my takes on a Gaiapunk aesthetic - I expect this will evolve, and invite everyone to steal, tweak, and otherwise modify this vision.


Gaiapunk paints the world with joyful, celebratory colors from nature. It is the green of foilage, the gold of sunlight, and warm reds, browns, yellows, and pinks. It is an explosion of hues and shades, but unlike cyberpunk, it favors hues that favor peace and mental health, rather than burn into your retinas at night.


Gaiapunk architecture is:

  • organic > angular
  • incorporates and sculpts nature, rather than paving over it or leaving it untouched
  • centers community-based, walkable communities, rather than individualistic housing.
  • Blends abundance with beauty. Public and private spaces are filled with fruit trees, herbs, and other edible plants, some of which we have today, and some engineered to provide light at night, or to perfume an area.


Gaiapunk music is a riot of different genres: Relative to other music, it is more likely to feature:

  • Patterns that are good for your mental health. (Less screamo, more meditation)
  • Sounds from nature
  • Collective effervescense
  • Blending new synth sounds with traditional acoustics from a variety of cultures.


Gaiapunk technology: - encourages body modification and genetic engineering. Trees glow pale pink and gold in the dark. Some implant tails into their bodies, some gain claws for climbing, some receive gender affirming surgeries, and others receive synthetic lungs to dive more deeply for longer. - uses energy responsibly, cleanly, and unapologetically. We long for clean skies, clean water, clean air, and clean bodies. We also long for nuclear powered starships, bullet trains, and space elevators. These goals are not in opposition. - is responsibly designed. gaiapunk technology does not immerse people in devices and digitally-fueled depression, but helps them to live in the real world more fully. It is less screens, and more holograms. It is not the gaudy advertisement clusterfuck of facebook or the rage machine of Twitter, but the collaboration of Wikipedia, VR calls with friends that make you feel like you're in the room, and the synergy of brainstorming in a quest for truth.

Gaiapunk societies

Gaiapunk societies prioritise a baseline of dignity for every person first, and then prioritises healthy communities, allowing for individual growth in the directions that individuals prefer. We condemn the following things:

  • Conspicuous consumption: Gold-encrusted food, bottles encrusted with crystals, and massive yachts for one individual hoard resources that should be used to uplift our fellow human from poverty into a life of flourishing.
  • Exploitative technology: designing technology is a sacred trust, and must prioritise the wellbeing of the user against profit.
  • Tribalism: We are a single species, and must stick together. We recognise our evolutionary tribal instincts, and will strive to minimise their impacts on the way we treat our fellow humans.
  • Exploitative corporations: Cooperation is essential for societal flourishing, and for achieving big goals. But it is wrong to set personal profit above the wellbeing of other people. They must both be positive.